

These program are transformational. They will teach you how to master a mindset that will allow you to safely step outside of your comfort zone and into your abundance. Each program is customized to achieving your goals.
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You have a vision for your business. You have grit to get down and work hard to make it happen. You have poured your heart, soul and bank account into your business and still you feel the roller coaster each month. The highs are electric, the lows are downright scary. Your body was not designed to function properly with the roller coaster effect on your nervous system. You are stressed, and that stress remains in your system even if you can’t feel it. You cannot think clearly, and are no longer make the best decisions for your business. This coaching program is transformational and will teach you how to master a mindset that will allow you to focus on what matters most: creating stress reduction and balance in order to be focused, productive, abundant and successful. This HeartMath and yoga based coaching will help create balance and confidence leading to increased earnings. Centred consciousness and a state of well being increases intuition, intuition grants you confidence. If you advance confidently success and abundance will chase you. Collective centred consciousness will effectively align your company. The culture within your company will shift from a fear/demand base to a trust based organization.


 You’re stressed, frustrated, tired, and overwhelmed. Some days it feels like you can’t even keep your head above water. You have thought about some self-care, go for a massage, take some time off, get more sleep. You have tried so many ways to “change” Our yoga based Happiness Basics program shows you how not to waste energy on trying to change. Yoga in all its forms sustains you, your wellness, happiness, abundance, contentment and success. You have spent so much energy working on what you don’t want. Your mind can very easily sabotage an event, relationship or goal because it is seeking control in a world you can’t control. You have triggers that are going off like firecrackers. This program will move you into a state of happiness and contentment.

What’s The Solution?

Release the heavy energy that is attached to the triggers. Develop strategies to manage the waves of stress that come in life and business. Increase your ability to remain resilient in the face of challenge, and flourish over adversity. Life can happen around you, but it doesn’t have to get to you negatively. Once stuck patterns have been removed, everything will fall into place. Us yogis call this alignment, it gets you much further than vision.

What Will We Do?

With HeartMath, yoga, meditations, observations and exercises we will find energy leaks, define your challenge, get to the root of the stuck belief pattern, the block, then un-stick that deficiency story so it can be released and replaced. Deficiency stories are the essence of what causes feelings of stress, upset, anxiety, exhaustion and scarcity. Science tells us 95% of our thoughts are controlled by embedded interpretations. Those interpretations are most likely not serving your highest self or allowing you to embody confidence and happiness.
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